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Functional Medicine is an approach that considers the patient as a whole. Instead of just treating a symptom, the doctor will look "upstream" and ask, "Why is this happening? What's the root cause? Can we make a change at the source of the problem?"

Lab Experiments
one cause many conditions IFM.webp

Image credit: IFM

As you can see in the example above, one condition (ex. Depression) can have many causes. And one cause (ex. Inflammation) can contribute to many conditions. This is a great visual example of why each patient must be cared for as an individual, and Functional Medicine is the best mechanism for that!

The Functional Medicine approach will use holistic and natural methods whenever possible, knowing that "prevention" is the key to avoiding the many chronic diseases currently plaguing our society. It is normal to use tools such as nutrition, meal plans, supplementation, lifestyle changes (sleep, stress, movement), holistic therapies and whatever means necessary to restore health.

In the example above you can see how the signs and symptoms of a Hormonal Imbalance can originate from a variety of causes.


We blend a wide array of techniques from both conventional medicine and holistic health, utilizing the best of Western and Eastern expertise.

Our Functional Medicine Team will determine if any Advanced Functional Labs are needed and order them, folding that new piece of information into the history, intake, nutritional status, symptoms, current lab findings- all in order to make a thorough assessment that looks at the person as a whole.  Our TEAM is excellent at reviewing lab work and explaining it in a way that is easy to understand.

What disrupts Hormonal Balance.webp

Image credit: IFM

Jump down to "The Process" section to learn more about what to expect as a new patient or client. You can learn more detail about how Functional Medicine works and the differences between conventional medicine, integrative medicine, naturopathy, and other alternative health medicine.


We apply the ideology of functional medicine to a process that is unique to our clinic

1. Supporting Wellness

Food, Sleep, Movement, Mindfulness

Supporting Wellness is where the patient or client commits to creating change and develops a partnership with their Functional Medicine & Nutrition provider. Key Lifestyle changes such as addressing food, sleep, movement and mindfulness will support the patient/client throughout their healing journey and develop skills that will last a lifetime. Typically a 2-4 week process.

2. Finding Relief

Digestion, Inflammation, Stress, Nutrition 

Finding Relief addresses the initial barriers to health and wellness and brings about some palliative care. Poor digestion, inflammation, ongoing stress and essential nutrition needs will be identified with recommendations for lifestyle changes and supplementation remedies. Typically a 3-6 week process.

3. Root Cause

Gut Infections, Leaky Gut, Liver Congestion, Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Root Cause is where the Functional Medicine & Nutrition provider digs deeper to uncover issues contributing to the patient/client’s symptoms. There are 4 key root cause issues that may be addressed together or one at a time, but rarely is significant change made until the following issues are resolved: Gut Infections (ex. Candida, SIBO, LIBO/dysbiosis, slow motility), Leaky Gut (ex.intestinal barrier issues, allergies, acne, autoimmunity), Liver Congestion (ex. detoxification issues, fatty liver), or Mitochondrial Dysfunction (ex. M.I.S.S.E.D. patients, chronic fatigue, pain). Typically a 3-6 month process depending on number of issues.

4 Fine Tuning

Hormone Balancing, Focused Nutrition, Immune Health

Fine Tuning is a dividing point on the way to wellness. Those that are doing much better may just need minor adjustments in the following categories or those that are still challenged may need additional testing to uncover issues. This includes hormonal balancing (ex. thyroid health, sex hormones), focused nutrition (ex. micronutrient testing for vitamin/mineral/amino acid deficiency or antigenic testing for food sensitivities) and immune health (ex. ongoing infections, autoimmunity). Typically a 1-3 month process depending on issues.

5 Maintaining Health

Minimal Intervention, Life Armor, Holistic Health 

Maintaining Health is the ultimate goal on the way to wellness and joy and typically takes 6-12 months to reach, depending on starting issues, compliance and number of setbacks. In the Maintaining Health pillar, few interventions are needed, because the patient/client has learned to incorporate good self-care into their life. A key component in this pillar is educating the patient on being connected to their body; knowing how to identify and respond quickly to any issue that comes up before it becomes a bigger problem. At this stage we encourage patients/clients to expand this new found sense of health beyond themselves and share the gift of healthy living with family, work or their community. Experience for life!


Yes, and we encourage you to keep an amicable and open relationship with your Primary Care Provider.


Our office has respect for all forms of healthcare and all patients. We listen to our patients and clients and typically are able to validate their symptoms with concrete lab findings.


In our office, we often co-manage with allopathic physicians that will refer patients to Wellness Redefined. We work with all types of health issues but are particularly known for our expertise in Gut Health, Skin Health, and Hormonal Health. 


Likewise, if we have a patient/client in need of medication management we will refer to one of our medical colleagues. Sometimes the labs we order might reveal a finding that requires additional medical investigation and we will make the referrals as needed. Knowledge is power and many of the tests we utilize are the most modern that science has to offer.




There is a whole Menu of Services at Wellness Redefined that you can check out HERE. Most Functional Medicine patients/clients begin with an our Functional Medicine Initial intake and then a Report of Findings with one of our Functional Medicine providers.

Lab Experiment


Here is an outline of each step in the process, but keep in mind each person is unique. At Wellness Redefined the patient/client is the "boss" and we make modifications when possible to honor the likes and dislikes of each individual. Our main objective is a life of greater healing and joy for our patients/clients.


When New Patients first call the office with questions, we offer them a free 15-minute phone consult with one of our health coaches. This is an opportunity for them to find out more about Functional Medicine, Wellness Redefined, and what to expect when they become a patient/client. If they have never been to a Functional Medicine practitioner before, it’s a great opportunity to decide if Functional Medicine & Nutrition is the right fit for them.


Before the intake, our New Patients complete a very detailed history and intake form ONLINE. This is the only time so much "paperwork" will be asked of you, but it is very important that our doctors learn as much as they can about your history and what brought you to your current state of health.


The Initial  Functional Medicine Intake is 60-minutes long with one of our Functional Medicine Providers. During the intake, the provider will discuss your symptoms and concerns with you and go over your health history. They will have specific questions based on what issues you are experiencing and she will also ask detailed digestive questions.


If there is anything "obvious" to start you with right away, we will let you know and may make supplement, nutrient or herbal recommendations as well as recommend some lifestyle modifications. An important part of the intake is assessing if any labs are needed - see the next section below.


Expect an After Visit email from our team sent to you and available in your Wellness Redefined health portal. Our Patient Advocate will make sure you have any nutrient schedules and lab requisites if needed. Please note that although you will have paid for your intake in advance (when you schedule), if labs or nutrients are needed that is an additional fee that is set by the outside vendors or lab companies. 


If one of our Functional Medicine team members has determined you need advanced lab testing they will advise you and discuss how to have it ordered elsewhere (if that is an option) or how to order it through Rupa Health or Wellness Redefined. While most Functional Medicine offices double or triple the cost of labs, our office passes on significant savings that we receive to our patients and clients.


If blood labs are required (ex. a comprehensive Thyroid Panel including 7-10 markers) we will typically order them through Boston Heart Labs or Lab Corp. If advanced Gut Health or Hormone Health testing is needed then you will be mailed a test kit to complete at home and mail directly to the lab (ex. stool, urine, breath, saliva or hair testing) through a vendor. 


Depending on which test(s) are needed, results may take 1-3 weeks to return. For this reason, your Report of Findings visit is often scheduled 3-4 weeks after your intake so Ebony Coleman NP may include the lab results into your overall assessment. (Sometimes an extra week is needed if the lab is delayed due to Covid-19 demand.)


During the weeks between your Intake and Report of Findings visits, the practitioner will likely ask you to keep a food journal if nutrition  of concern, take any suggested supplementation if needed, and follow any lifestyle recommendations made at the intake visit. If it is going to more than 3 weeks between your intake and report of findings visit, we may recommend a short follow-up visit with a referred health coach.


If any issues arise between your Intake and ROF, please reach out to our office and let us know. Email and calls are typically returned on Fridays during business hours.  If you have not heard back, please reach out again. 


The Report of Findings (ROF) is often an exciting and very revealing visit. The ROF visit is 60-minutes in length, which is a rare provider patient interaction time  in the current Western healthcare model, although necessary.  It is highly recommended you have your spouse/partner or a friend listen in as this is going to be a lot of information and it helps to have an extra person listening or taking notes for you. If you need a number of tests, you may want to consider a 90-minute ROF to make sure there is enough time to review the results and ask questions.


During the ROF visit, Ebony Coleman will list the priority order of issues to address from a functional medicine perspective. For example, if weight gain was an issue you presented during the intake and the provider found out you had a strain of bacteria in your microbiome that increases caloric extraction from food and that you are Leptin-resistant, then they would share those findings and discuss nutritional and lifestyle methods to impact the weight gain at the root cause.


The doctor will share all the positive findings from your intake and labs and outline how they combined all of the available information to create that priority order of issues list. A care plan will be made with recommendations that may include supplementation (herbs, whole food nutrients, nutraceuticals, etc), diet (food, water, meal timing), lifestyle changes (sleep, stress, movement), mental/emotional recommendations (meditation, HRV, energy techniques, Eastern practices), bodywork if needed, referrals to outside providers or medical doctors if warranted. She may suggest you attend a free class or watch an educational video depending on the health issue you are dealing with (ex. our SIBO video for those suffering from bloating with a positive breath test).


At the end of the ROF, the provider will advise when to return. This may be within a week for some situations, otherwise, follow-up is typically 2-3 weeks later with the health coach and then 2 weeks after that with your Functional Medicine Practitioner to allow you time to implement the recommendations and track results.


At the end of the ROF visit, you may have a handout that outlines our Health Savings Plans (see below) which can result in significant savings on any needed herbs or supplementation. If this is of benefit for you, please discuss it with our Patient Advocate or Health Coaches. 


Did you know that most supplements and herbs in America are not beneficial? It is sad, but true.


At Wellness Redefined we are very selective about the supplements we use, always searching for the best quality with results we can count on. Currently, we utilize around 700 different supplements from over 20 different manufacturers. We have access to hundreds of brands and don't carry any inventory so we are not tied to any specific product line. We are able to pass on a savings of 10% supplement discount to each patient or client and 20% to those that have the Health Savings Plan (HSP). 


If we recommend supplements, we will email you the list of items and how to order through your Wellness Redefined portal. You will order directly with those companies but we will make sure you receive your savings. Sometimes we may have to order specialty items for you if needed. 


Almost everything that the Functional Medicine Team will recommend is designed to be for "short term" use and they expect this to change from visit-to-visit. We only want to recommend things you will do and we will work to customize any supplementation to fit your lifestyle and your budget.


Although we have an incredible arsenal of highly potent herbs and effective nutrients, it is impossible to "swallow a magic pill" that restores your health while allowing you to keep eating fast food daily. The best results come from patients that are willing to make the necessary lifestyle changes - and don't assume you know what that is, as they are different for each patient. Some patients need to eat more bacon, some need to eat more quinoa, some need to do intermittent fasting, some need soft liquid foods. Our Functional Medicine Team often advises their patients that the closer they are able to follow the lifestyle prescription, the less money they will need to spend on supplementation or labs!


Most supplements will need to be purchased through one of the vendors we recommend due to the fact that the vast majority of quality products are only made available through a licensed practitioner and are unable to be purchased directly by the consumer. In the rare situation that an item is available in a store or online and that is a better pricing option for the patient, we will advise how to get said item.


We typically ask that our patients not use other products during the time that they are working with Wellness Redefined so we may closely monitor their supplement use and progress. However, if there is an item that you feel is of benefit to you, please let us know.


If patients need $150-$200+/month in supplements, we highly recommend taking advantage of our Health Savings Plan. This is a one-time fee that is paid which covers the cost of 4 follow-up visits and 20% off all herbs and supplements for 12 months. It can result in substantial savings and you will have the option to renew it for the following year if so desired. Ask for details.



Our providers will outline your care plan at your ROF visit and make modifications as needed during follow-up visits based on your progress. They are always very mindful and respectful of costs as most of Functional Medicine is not covered by traditional medical insurance. There are some situations where we may be able to provide a superbill and have you submit it for possible reimbursement and many patients are able to use their HSA/FSA plans. Others keep receipts for tax purposes or utilize credit cards if needed. Functional Medicine tends to have an upfront cost at the start of care but may result in incredible savings from the restoration of health, productivity, mental health improvement or prevention of chronic lifestyle illnesses - all based on the functional and nutritional perspective. 


Frequent visits or accountability in the beginning is often needed. Because of this, seeing a health coach is an option.The accountability and individual attention to diet/sleep/stress/movement is essential and the Health Coaches are able to review the patient/client's visit notes, and consult with the providers as needed. Request a referral if interested. 


Follow-up visits with Ebony Coleman will be needed to change supplementation protocols, reorder and analyze labs or address any new health issues as they arise.


If a patient has a diagnosed medical conditions requiring medication, then co-management with the prescribing physician will occur. We may also refer you to another physician or counselor if additional services are warranted that are outside our scope of practice. 


All clients outside of Florida that receive Health Coaching & Consultation are required to have a local Primary Care Physician.



We are very lucky at Wellness Redefined to have a team of amazing practitioners employing a variety of techniques. During the ROF visit or at subsequent visits, Ebony Coleman may refer you for bodywork or physical therapy or acupuncture or allergy care or emotional healing that can be provided at an outside practitioner as needed.


The Functional Medicine approach recognizes that the patient/client needs to be evaluated and cared for as a whole person, which often means using more than one healing modality.  


The American public has often valued a "go-go-go" attitude and a "get it done" work ethic. While this can be great for workplace productivity, many people have sacrificed their health and well-being to meet these demands and may have spent decades popping pills for a "quick fix" to prop them up and keep them going.


Taking a pill to mask a symptom does not mean the issue is resolved, just as the absence of disease doesn't mean someone is actually healthy. 


True health and joy come from a sound body and mind. This is more than just the elimination of symptoms or pain, it is the peace and organization that we see in a healthy and happy individual. This type of health transcends more than just the physical and improvements are often seen in the patient's family and work life, in their social activities, in their relationships, in their spiritual, emotional and financial life.


Understanding this may mean addressing your healing on multiple levels for a global transformation. It is a tall order, completely doable and really quite exciting.


At Wellness Redefined, our ultimate goal is for the patient/client's well-being and we will always make the best recommendations for healing whether that be for services in or outside of our office and holistic or allopathic measures. Whatever works for you and does no harm is the right course of action. We have no "ego" as to whether it is method A or B or C, we just want to support the success of our patients/clients.



Tracking results is important to make sure improvement is occurring and to monitor progress. We typically do this with follow-up visits and reorder labs or perform a reevaluation-exam if needed.


You will automatically be sent a CSQ (Current System Questionnaire) with each visit to be filled out electronically - this helps to track progress and goes in your chart - it only takes a few minutes to complete!


It is human nature to quickly "forget" the symptoms that go away and focus on any new issues. It is helpful when facing a new complaint (such as a headache) to try to remember that the debilitating issue from the previous visit (for example, severe bloating & indigestion) is completely gone. This can be difficult to do on your own if you don't have a practitioner tracking your symptoms/progress and making recommendations based on your whole health. 


Some patients are dealing with chronic illness and it can be challenging to notice an improvement when they are "in their illness" on a daily basis. It can be helpful to have a practitioner who can remind you that although you can't run a marathon yet, going for a 2-hour bike ride is a huge improvement over the sedentary lifestyle when you started and were unable to walk around the block. Sometimes you need someone to take the 5,000-foot view of your health goals and achievements.


Some patients feel better so quickly that they want to jump right back into their old lifestyle or take off running and need to be reminded that their body is still healing, to allow more time. 


Sometimes patients get off track and a follow-up visit or a repeat lab or a detox protocol might be the motivation to get them back on the path to health before a complete derailment and having to "start over". Healing is a unique proposition and rarely is it a linear event.



It is so much fun and gratifying to celebrate the successes with you, but the true test of character comes during the challenging times and the truth is that life is messy. There is no magic pill or procedure that will protect someone from every possible harm or heartache that might come their way, but we are dedicated to being a part of that healing process for our patients/clients.


It is the kind of health care we want for ourselves and the best kind of wholistic health care we can offer you.


You deserve no less than the best.



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